Known for its dynamic gameplay and over-the-top hero characters, DOTA 2 is perhaps one of the most loved MOBA games out there. But as much people love playing the game, it’s hard not to oversee a certain despise towards a very particular hero in the game – Techies.
Squeaking, squealing, and blasting through the terrain, techies have earned the reputation as quite the bomber! Countless battles go to waste, bodies pile up as a heap of the haystack when techies decide it’s the time! Watch your step if you want to live, big fella! While most heroes are driven by certain objectives- farming, pushing, ganking; all that techies do is wreak havoc on the battlefield. Catching a loner while crossing terrain, or dismantle enemy push by going kaboom, that’s what Techies do best.
Squee, Spleen, and Spoon – the trio otherwise known as the Techies is known to cause demolitions from way back in times of Dredger’s Bight. It all began with the simple task of designing a detonation that can be silently triggered to create a blast underneath the cityscape. Alas, it didn’t turn out so well. A simple button – what the Techies invented went on to be the greatest remote pain in everyday life.
The Havoc Techies Can Wreak
Countering a hero is easy when one knows what they up against is. Techies – a ranged hero is known to place Proximity mines all over the battlefield at strategic locations which are triggered when an enemy is found loitering near. Increasing in damage as the ability is leveled up, can shred heroes in seconds if players are not careful enough. The damage taken from Proximity mines is magical and can shoot up to 800 in max level. The best way to avoid getting hit by one of these red spiky mines is to destroy them by simply attacking them. One can right-click or attack-click the mines just in time to save their lives while earning bonus gold for destroying the same.
Destroying a Proximity mine can be tricky, usually, any pro Techies player will place them strategically in places where there is less vision, such as places where a movement is required from downhill to uphill or amidst trees beside the lanes. So one has to be extra cautious while targeting such mines, be aware not to trigger other mines in the area simultaneously, which is well concealed. Since the mine won’t show up unless you are within its detonation radius, it’s essential to decide to run or destroy the mine! An agility hero with substantial attack speed and shorter attack animation time will do just fine destroying the mine before it can blast. On the contrary, if a player is playing with Tiny or maybe a similar slow attack animation hero, it is best advised for them to run back!
Any clever Techies player won’t go down that easy. It is not just the Mines you ought to be careful about but the Stasis Trap that is set with it. The Second ability of Techies enables it to trap any enemy unit that set foot in its radius, rooting them for as long as 5 seconds when fully leveled up. A combination of Proximity mines and Statis Trap is sure to get any heroes in the surrounding if they are not careful about it. The proximity mines usually emit a sound when you enter its detonation radius, triggering a warning to tread carefully. However, with a trap set just beside it, one cannot do anything but take damage and stay rooted in the spot for further assault.
Like the proximity mines, this trap can be destroyed by attacking it, but unlike Mines, they can only be revealed with true sight! Vision is the key! However the Statis trap is not triggered by a spell immune or invisible unit, so a Riki or Bounty hunter with True sight available can easily kill the traps in the surroundings. Having more range hitters in the team with true sight can also help avoid the traps. In pro scenes, players usually fend off the combination of Proximity mines and Statis trap by sending in illusions to clear the path and trigger the bomb. Heroes like Phantom Lancer, Terror Blade, Naga Siren who have easy availability of unlimited illusions at their disposal can be handy!
It’s imperative to be careful about the strategically placed bombs, however in team fights one must never put aside the possibility of sudden, devastating blast attacks; Techies’ very own Suicide Skills. Techies Jump with a high energetic leap and Blast off in a radius silencing and damaging nearby enemies while taking significant damage itself! Whenever a player is chasing techies through the battlefield or trying to land the final blow, it can just fly up and deny itself like that not before causing heavy impact damage on the enemy too.
Melee heroes with low Hitpoints, especially in the early stages of the game should avoid confrontation with techies if they want to live that is! However, heroes with significant HP pools can walk away unfazed.

Last but not least, comes the heavy artillery! Yes, the Ultimate ability of Techies to cause devastation. Remote Mines are green little pesky bombs flocked together in a place for Techies to trigger them remotely when needed. These mines individually can cause damage of 600 (750 with Scepter) and can be stacked together for heavy damage. Because these mines are not visible to the naked eyes, one must need true vision to detect the presence of Remote mines. Towards the more deciding phase of the game, when the final push is needed, a tower is all that matters, these green buttons on the field can kill an army.
How to Deal with the Ultimate Bombing Attack?
- Building the Anti-Bombing squad: Heroes that are hard to kill – Pudge with significant flesh heap, Undying, Wrath King with reincarnation can go first and see if they can trigger a blast. With the bombs out of the picture, the teammates can easily push uphill.
- True sight: Very important. Players must carry Sentry wards or Gem with them to detect the Remote mines before it’s too late.
- Range heroes: Having Range hitter in the team is extra advantageous as upon detection they can bring down the Mines by attacking them from a safe distance. Heroes like Sniper, Windranger, Drow Ranger, Lina, Medusa are very effective.
- Try not to die: The damage from Remote Mines is sudden and huge. Thus, having Aeon Disk can be handy as it gives a strong dispel and 2.5 seconds of buff that provides 75 percent of added status resistance. This means damage taken from the bombs will be negated to zero.
- However, if Techies has Aghanim scepter and Minefield sign is there, Just RUN! It is wise to push other lanes where you can still detect the bombs with true sight, as the minefield sign grants invisibility to the bombs in a radius even from True sight!
At end of the day, Dota is a game of strategy and wits! As they say, Know thy enemy as thee know thyself! Nothing a bit of spell immunity or vision can’t solve! Let’s Defend the Ancients!